Joy Re-kindled Marriage Retreat

Date & Time

Jan 26-28, 2024


Gull Lake Ministries
1800 Burlington Dr.
Hickory Corners, MI 49060

  • Lodging – 2 Nights
  • Food – All meals provided
  • Workshop Materials


God designed marriages to grow and flourish from the fuel of glad-to-be-together joy where faces light up and couples are glad to be with each other. When our joy starts to fade, pain and problems become bigger and louder and disconnection grows. All of us can use more joy, connection, and attunement in our marriages!

Join Aaron and Glori Goodrich with Chris and Jen Coursey for a weekend away to learn, grow and practice important relational skills. This weekend is carefully designed to offer insightful teaching on the role of attachments and bonding along with brain-based skills that grow emotional capacity so you connect, build joy and bounce back from upsets and strain.

This will be a very practical weekend to rekindle joy in your marriage. There will be plenty of time to reflect, connect, practice skills, and have fun with other couples. Our hope is that coming out of this weekend, marriages will be strengthened, new friendships will develop, and couples might even form ongoing groups focused on supporting one another in the skills that are learned and practiced.


Chris & Jen Coursey

Chris and Jen Coursey live in West Michigan with their two boys, Matthew and Andrew. They have designed and lead the THRIVE Training program that uses brain-based exercises to train leaders, families, and communities in the 19 relational skills and the Immanuel Lifestyle.

Chris is an ordained pastoral counselor, published author and international speaker. Jen is a teacher, blogger, THRIVE trainer, and synchronized dance instructor. The 19 relational brain skills and the interactive Immanuel Lifestyle have transformed the Courseys lives. Because of the profound changes in their own character and relationship, they want the world to hear what God has done in their lives and understand what He can do to help others.

Read more about the Courseys and relational skills at

Aaron & Glori Goodrich

Aaron & Glori Goodrich live in Grand Rapids, Michigan with their three boys Jackson (12), Caiden (12) and Porter (8). They lead a micro church called Soma Grand Rapids in the heart of the city. Aaron works bi-vocationally as a licensed therapist specializing in marriage counseling. Together, they have facilitated multiple marriage retreats and enjoy seeing couples experience holistic healing. Aaron & Glori have been married for almost 16 years and regularly use this material to strengthen their own marriage.

Harville Hendrix said that “the unconscious purpose of marriage is to complete childhood.” We enjoy helping couples dig deeper into their childhood stories and their attachment patterns in order to bring healing through attunement and secure attachment with one another.

Learn more about the Goodrich’s work at

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